What Is the Rome Ministerial Association?The Rome Ministerial Association, which our church is a part of along with several other local churches, assists those in need by providing food for hungry families in eastern Lawrence County and specifically the Fairland School District. Our primary focus is on families with young children, senior citizens on limited incomes, and the disabled. This ministry is designed to help people stretch their dollars by providing them with non-perishable food items no more than one time per month. Holiday giving also flows through and is coordinated by the food pantry. The food pantry is always in need of food.
Our InvolvementOur church has committed to helping by collecting one item per month that is in need. You can bring all donations to the church every month and at the end of each month we will take the collected items to the RMA food pantry that is housed at New Hope United Methodist Church.
Singspiration is where all the churches in the area that are in the Rome Ministerial Association come together as one body of Christ and sing praises to the LORD through congregational music, Choir music, and special songs from certain people of the churches.
A donation offering is taken up during this time to help further the ministry of the RMA for the community. Each of the churches involved get a turn to host the singspiration. After every singspiration there is always refreshments.
A donation offering is taken up during this time to help further the ministry of the RMA for the community. Each of the churches involved get a turn to host the singspiration. After every singspiration there is always refreshments.
Annually the RMA come together for an Easter Sunrise Service. This is the video of the 2016 service.